E-Commerce Strategy Guide: Making Your Way to the Top
SEO Strategies for E-Commerce Sites
E-commerce is a game of numbers. Being number one delivers far greater results than any other position in the market or search engines. Making it to the number one position in the search engines requires a comprehensive, innovative strategy that meets the guidelines set forth by Google, Bing, and the other search engines.
Learn how to get started in our new e-commerce strategy guide, “Making Your Way to the Top,” which will walk you through the overarching issues, as well as, page-specific optimization suggestions.
In this 26-page guide, you will learn:
- Which search engines to optimize for.
- How to determine if your CMS is SEO friendly.
- Architecture considerations you should take into account.
- How to optimize page and site elements.
- Page-specific optimization suggestions.
Categories:Website Design & Development, WordPress