New Trend with Mobile Marketing
Categories: Marketing, WordPress374 words1.4 min read

New Trend with Mobile Marketing

The Importance of Mobile Marketing

Wireless technology is changing the landscape of how businesses approach marketing. Smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices make it easier than ever before for users to access the internet, shop and do other various tasks. There has been an even greater push toward accommodating the growing number of mobile online users in recent years. Marketing efforts are starting to shift from more traditional means to web-based and mobile marketing. It has become critical for businesses to have an online presence. With mobility becoming a focal point with users, companies seek ways to improve their service to mobile customers.

People traditionally thought of and used their desktop computers when going online to shop or surf the web. When mobile devices were introduced, users had a new alternative to accomplish those tasks, but desktop computers were still the primary device to access the internet. That trend finally changed in 2014 when a study by comScore found that most US Internet users on mobile had eventually surpassed desktop. People are using mobile devices as their primary devices to search. Google’s Search Chief Amit Singhal announced the summer of 2015 was the first time more Google searches, which fields more than 100 billion searches per month, were completed on mobile devices than desktop computers. The transition from desktop to mobile is no surprise due to the increased ease, mobility, and flexibility provided for the user. The push toward mobile has opened up a new way for companies to gain an advantage over their competitors.

From mobile applications to online ads, there are several ways for a company to flourish in the mobile environment. One of the ideal methods for businesses to interact with customers is through mobile applications. A comScore study found that mobile users spent nearly 88% of their time on their mobile devices consuming digital media within applications. Businesses now have the unique opportunity to reach users wherever they are through applications. QAT Global is on the cutting edge of providing solutions to meet all of our client’s diverse and specific mobility needs. We seek solutions that will continually stay updated with the technology allowing your business to remain relevant in this highly competitive environment.

Let’s discuss the future of your business. Start the conversation today.

Categories:Marketing, WordPress

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